5 free apps to convert photos to art on Android, iPhone, or the web

Convert photos to art on Android, iPhone, or the web
Convert photos to art on Android, iPhone, or the web
Akin to Instagram filters, there are now applications that can convert an image to a panel. From Munch's Scream application to the Mondrian engineering application, these technical impact filtering applications are easy to use and available for both portable and desktop devices.
If you want to know how to make the image look like  graphics  for free, you might be interested in reading the brains behind these applications,  DeepStyle Deep Drawing algorithm  . Although all applications use the same algorithm, the way they are applied in different applications is what distinguishes them.


You may have seen this app listed on either Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. The Prisma sprang from a craze-style filter
Art because it is remarkably easy to use, and does not do anything from other applications with a few things.
With Prisma, once you select an image and filter, the filter will apply instantly (takes about 10-20 seconds) and displays you a preview of your final image. You can then move your finger left or right to indicate the intensity of the filter, from 0 to 100 percent. There are regular image editing options such as exposure, contrast, saturation, etc.
The free version works only with SD-quality images and has lots of really great filters. If you want to open HD images and over 300 filters, you'll need to sign up for the Premium Plan for $ 1.99 per month.
If you want to tamper with turning your photos into works of art for your social media, the premium version deserves it. Prisma is the easiest to use among all these applications to convert the image to a panel.
Download:  Prisma for  Android  | iOS  (free)
If you specifically want full-size images and do not care about the number of filters or how much images are converted to panels, you can also check  Vinci  . It's free and you can get high resolution photos with a watermark. But the effect does not look as good as Prisma.
Download:  Vinci for  Android  | iOS  (free)

2. Dreamscope (Web): No Waiting, High-Res Images

5 free apps to convert photos to art on Android, iPhone, or the web
5 free apps to convert photos to art on Android, iPhone, or the web
You do not always need a smartphone to turn your photos into these wonderful paintings. If you want to know how Pablo Picasso turned your photos into watercolors, learn about Dreamscope.
This web application uses the same DeepStyle generator and has several different styles that you can use as filters. In fact, after Prisma, I think DeepStyle has the largest set of styles.
Most importantly, Dreamscope does not compress your photos. You can upload a high resolution image and get a high resolution image in contrast, while all other applications will shrink it to a smaller size. High resolution will be necessary if you want to print any of these "drawn images".
You can also view the latest Dreamscope design gallery by other users to see the creative potential of this application to paint images.

3. DeepArt (Web): Create Custom Styles

5 free apps to convert photos to art on Android, iPhone, or the web
5 free apps to convert photos to art on Android, iPhone, or the web
DeepArt is a Web application with the option to convert any panel you see online to a filter style. The result is surprisingly good, even if you do not use a famous painting.
Let's say you've found a great, unclassified photo shared by someone on Instagram, after they've modified the settings to get them correctly. You can download an Instagram image and convert it to your DeepArt filter, as long as you've registered it.
Then upload your own photo, choose the new filter you created, and watch DeepArt get married on Monday. I recommend reviewing the "Latest Photos" tab for inspiration from what people create, so you have an idea of ​​what you want to do.
The dimensions of the final "panels" are 500 x 500 pixels, and take some time to generate them. You can get your plates faster by paying a small fee.

4. NeuralStyle.Art (Web): Most Powerful Artistic Filter App

5 free apps to convert photos to art on Android, iPhone, or the web
5 free apps to convert photos to art on Android, iPhone, or the web
If you are a professional or a designer who needs more control over the DeepStyle effects, then you need to go to NeuralStyle.Art. This web app is the most powerful photo art application across all the apps you've tested.
The free version contains restrictions similar to other limitations, such as output SD resolution and can only perform three functions per day. But the amount of tampering you can do using the palette style, brush size, intensity, and other parameters is unmatched in other applications.
NeuralStyle.Art really shines when you go for professional versions, which start at $ 1.99. You can then apply filters to videos, remove watermarks, get stronger levels of filters, and even batch for multiple images.

5. r/deepstyle (Web): Discuss All Things Related to Art Filters

5 free apps to convert photos to art on Android, iPhone, or the web
5 free apps to convert photos to art on Android, iPhone, or the web
Want to know when a new killer application is available? Do you want an app like this to work with videos? Want to create your own application? Do you want to see what others create? I have a full forum for this purpose.
In r / deepstyle, you'll find everything related to this new algorithm, from the papers on how to create your application to existing programs and galleries. The community is very helpful in all aspects of this technique, and will give you suggestions and critiques about how to improve your images.

Try photo filters with artificial intelligence

The application to move to most ordinary users should be Prisma, given its combination of filters and ease of use. If you want to make an image look like graphics for free only once, the Dreamscope is the best option. DeepArt is ideal if you want to try to work your own filter. The NeuralStyle is the best pro and anyone else regularly wants a stronger image to paint the application.
These professional applications of images are just a drop in the vast ocean of brilliant photo editing applications. In fact, you should check out some   new  AI-based image editing applications for  mobile and desktop. The types of effects and improvements offered by this presentation, with minimal input from you as a user, will blow your mind